ecotora | Terzi usulü sürdürülebilirlik çözümleri

Car Wash Water Recycling Systems

In our country where the number of vehicles is increasing every day, the amount of water used in the car wash industry has reached significantly high levels. Apart from the water quantity, the pollution load of the generated wastewater is also at significantly high levels.

At this point, this product is ideal both to meet the requirements in licensing stages (it also serves as a separator) and to reduce washing costs.

The basic working principle is to subject the water to a preliminary treatment physically and reuse the resulting water in the preliminary washing stages (high-pressure pre-washing, etc). This way, only clean water will be used in rinsing stages, and no cost will be incurred for water in the remaining stages.

Aquapur is the ideal solution for you:

  • Low maintenance and repair costs
  • Easy to use
  • Compact size, takes up little space
  • High water recycling efficiency
  • High filtration capacity (up to 4 m³/h)
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