ecotora | Terzi usulü sürdürülebilirlik çözümleri

ecotora Sürdürülebilirlik Danışmanlığı

Third Party ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Assessments

ecotora focuses on assessing various aspects of companies’ environmental impact, social responsibility, and governance practices through different evaluation methods. In this context, our consultants collect relevant data, conduct audits, perform site visits, interact with stakeholders, and verify the gathered information.

At ecotora, we utilize established frameworks, standards, and criteria to assess companies’ performance and provide an independent assessment report. Through these assessments, we aim to help companies identify areas for improvement, achieve compliance with regulations and industry standards, and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices to stakeholders, investors, customers, and the public.

Our goal is to provide companies with an external and objective perspective on their environmental, social, and governance performance, enabling them to enhance their transparency in line with their sustainability strategies and global best practices, as well as meeting stakeholder expectations.

Do you have a question?

Get in touch with us using our contact form, and our experts will get in touch with you as soon as possible.