ecotora | Terzi usulü sürdürülebilirlik çözümleri

Discovering Sustainability

Knowledge is everywhere, but wisdom is insufficient to address the interconnected fundamental challenges of our time: runaway climate change, loss of biodiversity, depletion of natural resources, constant homogenization of culture, and increasing inequality.

Aware of the human-centric attitudes and habits that our planet is experiencing, we have turned our net-zero habits, which we have acquired within the company for years, into a service and embarked on a new path.

In this journey, our priority is to turn the relationship between nature and humans into a benefit and gain for both sides. We have known from years of experience that if you reach out to nature, you will undoubtedly be rewarded. The savings you achieve through conservation measures also prevent material waste. Bringing a recyclable/recoverable product into the economy is a step towards sustainability. The more the gain is obtained from the circular economy, the more successful the endeavor is.

With the slogan “Sustainability is a way of life,” our goal on this path is to enable our business partners to create an infrastructure that uses their resources efficiently, lives in harmony with nature, directs their investments and technological developments correctly, and maintains the potential to meet human needs both today and in the future.

Today, when “sustainability” is mentioned, it is often understood as merely an environmental concept. However, the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals consist of 17 main categories and even more sub-items. Sustainability is meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. The hidden subject in this concept is “resources.” Contrary to popular belief, resources encompass not only natural resources but also social and economic resources.

Last year, World Overshoot Day was determined to be July 29. This means that humans had to consume the resources of the following year in the remaining 5 months of the year. Despite the burden of all this pollution, our planet is trying its best to provide us with new resources. We at Ecotora have also lent a helping hand to nature.

True wealth lies in creating an economy that respects ecological balance, values human values, and achieves high levels of satisfaction.

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